Brodhead Referendun

To be placed on the April 1 ballot

School District
Question: Shall the School District of Brodhead, Green and Rock Counties, Wisconsin be authorized to exceed the revenue limit specified in Section 121.91, Wisconsin Statutes, on a non-recurring basis, by $1,750,000 in each of three (3) consecutive years, for the 2025-2026, the 2026-2027 and the 2027-2028 school years, to maintain school district facilities and programs?


Tonya M. Buttke

District Administrative Assistant

Substitute Caller

Transportation Liaison

Open Enrollment Coordinator

Brodhead School District

2501 W. 5th Ave.

Brodhead, WI  53520

(608) 897-2141 [ext. 172]


Learning Today for a Better Tomorrow